Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My first podcast

I wanted to make this a video, but I really didn't have enough pictures of video to accompany the 7 1/2 minute long story.

first episode: My mother's dance
My mother has one signature dance -- she puts one hand on her stomach (curved) and the other in the air. Then she twists her hips, barely ever moving her feet. Here, I find out the history of the dance, what my dad thinks of it, and what it teaches me about my mom. Click here to hear it.

Also, here are some pictures for accompaniment:

Christmas Eve, 2005 -- The Dance
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

My mom as a little girl

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

My mom's dad

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

My mom now

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Jen said...

it's so sweet to hear your parents' voices! :) i always dance like your momma when i hear the beegees. now i can perfect the art after hearing your podcast.

i've heard that you continue to dance the way that you first i destined to c-walk my way through the rest of life's dancefloors? ha ha!

otherjay said...

I am a big fan of all the hairdos in this post. First, your grandfather's little mohawk patch. It looks like a hair yarmulke! Then, your mom's hair when she was a little girl. This looks like your hair which makes sense. Speaking of your hair, it sure is poofy on New Years eve! Is that the party 'do?